Business Services
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Breathe to Connect:
Balance, Presence and Performance
in collaboration with O2CO2
In partnership with pioneers in the field of respiration whose certifications range from Oxygen Advantage, Breatheology has Wim Hof, Osteo Atlas andO2CO2 offer an immersive workshop with a unique approach that allows employees to connect with themselves and others, better control stress and overcome anxiety in order to perform better at work and thus promote sense of belonging stronger within the company.
By investing in mindful breathing, we help individuals toimprove their sleep, their immune system and reach their full potential while contributing to a healthier and more productive work culture.
*An introductory workshop on exposure to the cold can also be combined with this service under certain conditions.
Back Balance:
Confidences of an Osteopath
“Back Balance: Confidences of an Osteopath” aims to make employees aware of the importance of back health and to provide them with practical tools to maintain a healthy back at work and in their daily life. This conference contributes to the promotion of well-being, the reduction of absences linked to back pain and the improvement of the quality of life of employees.